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Installing Python on your computer

Subject: Python Programming
Installing Python on your computer or device is the first step to learning Python. Follow this step to install. It is very easy to do this.

1. Visit Python official website. python.org and local the "Downloads" link OR better still visit the Downloads page straight with this web address https://www.python.org/downloads/

2. Click link for the operating system that you are using e.g Windows to see the python releases for Windows OR visit go straight to the page using the web address https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/

3. I will advise you download Python version 3.9 so that when you start using other third parties libraries or tools there won't be any support inconsistency. So typically most mordern computers are 64 bit support so scroll down to locate "Python 3.9.13 - May 17, 2022" click "Download Windows installer (64-bit)" to download the Python installer for Windows.

4. Double click the just downloaded Python installer to install it on your computer

Note: that the installer comes with the Python Interpreter and a development environment called Integrated Development and Learning Environment (IDLE) which you will be using to code and run your Python programs.

Download Windows installer (64-bit)

Python version for Windows OS

By: Benjamin Onuorah


Williams Aiyemo Williams (learner)
Date commented: 11-Mar-2024 07:53:30pm

1---The creator of python is Guido Van Rossum. He is a Dutch programmer.

2--Python was created in 1989. and it first public release, python 0.9.0 was made in february 1991.

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