Accessing Request (POST) Data in Flask
Subject: Flask: Python Web Development
For web applications it’s crucial to react to the data a client sends to the server.
This data is often submitted through web or HTML form, for example Feedback Form, Registration/Login Form and Order Form.
In Flask this information is provided by the request object. So we have to import it from the flask module first:
from flask import request
And use it's method attribute to access client data (data transmitted in a POST or GET request).
Step 1.
Create an HTML file in the templates folder named "order.html" and have this HTML code in it.
Notice, that the page is primarily a form that use the POST method to submit data to the "process" view or route.
Order Form
Complete the order form
Step 2.
Update your python file ( file), to include the
request object imported from flask.
from flask import request
Instead of individually having this object, with the Flask and render_template on separate lines, we can simple import all three with one line as we have we in the code below:
# import the three classes from flask
from flask import Flask, render_template, request
app = Flask(__name__)
def order():
return render_template('order.html')
@app.route('/process/', methods=['POST'])
def process():
if request.method == 'POST':
#collect the data using the form element name
yourname = request.form['yourname']
youraddress = request.form['youraddress']
phone = request.form['phone']
product = request.form['product']
qty = request.form['qty']
#calculate the total cost of order
if product == "Garri":
price = 500
elif product == "Fufu":
price = 100
elif product == "Akara":
price = 700
total_cost=price * int(qty)
msg = (f"You ordered for {qty} {product} and each cost {price}. Therefore the total cost {total_cost}. Thank you")
return render_template('process.html', name=yourname, message=msg)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Step 3.
Now create the "process.html" file in the "templates" folder, it will display the message after the process has completed.
Order Process
Order Process
{{name}} Thank you for your order
Orde detail:
Step 4.
Run the python program and go the web browser to access the Order form using this URL.
Complete and submit the form.
See the attached screenshots for a sample completed and submitted.
Updated app structure
Process output
Benjamin Onuorah
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