Home > Courses > African Artists and Drawing > Jerry Buhari (Painter and Professor of Fine Art)

Jerry Buhari (Painter and Professor of Fine Art)

Subject: African Artists and Drawing
Professor Jerry Buhari is a Professor of Fine Art, Dept. of Fine Arts, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. He was born on the 11th July 1959 and is from Akwaya, Kachia L.G.A., Kaduna State, Nigeria.
Art Exhibitions: 12 Solo and over 60 Group Shows in Nigeria and abroad. International Artists Residencies: 4. International Artists Workshops: 5. Curatorial Work: 7.
Some of his awards and honours include:
Fellow, PACA; The Commonwealth Foundation; The Japan Foundation. Ford Foundation/Triangle Trust/Vermont Studio Center. Who is who in Nigeria. New Millennial Who is who in Nigeria. Fellow, SNA Vice Chancellor’s Merit Award, A.B.U. Golden Jubilee. Eminent Anglican, Church of Nigeria Anglican Communion.

By: Benjamin Onuorah


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