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Think of philosophy not as a dusty academic pursuit

Think of philosophy not as a dusty academic pursuit, but as a wild, pulse-racing conversation with humanity's most audacious thinkers. Daniel Klein's "Every Time I Find the Meaning of Life, They Change It" is less a book and more a provocative intellectual adventure—a witty, irreverent roadmap through the labyrinth of philosophical thought, where profound wisdom dances with delightful humor.
Five Mind-Expanding Philosophical Revelations from the book:

1. Philosophical Humility as Wisdom: Klein reveals that true philosophical genius isn't about having all the answers, but about maintaining a perpetual state of curious uncertainty. The greatest philosophers didn't claim absolute truth, but invited continuous questioning, transforming wisdom into an ever-evolving dialogue.

2. Laughter as Philosophical Method: Contrary to the stereotype of philosophers as somber intellectuals, the book celebrates philosophy's inherent comedic potential. Philosophical insights often emerge not from grave pontification, but from moments of profound, absurdist humor that crack open our rigid perspectives.

3. Aging as an Intellectual Pilgrimage: Klein brilliantly reframes aging not as decline, but as a nuanced journey of accumulated wisdom. Each philosophical perspective he explores becomes a lens for understanding how our understanding of life's meaning transforms with experience, perspective, and time.

4. Existentia... [Continue Reading]

Think of philosophy not as a dusty academic pursuit
Einstein’s letter to Curie
Listen up, Men!
"There should be no such thing as boring mathematics..." Edsger W. Dijkstra
10 foundational concepts in computer science
If you do nothing, you will become nothing!
Traveling long distance for schooling in Nigeria
Happy Independence Nigeria
Good Question
I was called Iron Lady for being a successful woman – Prof Osofisan (Professor of Computer science)
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A Complete Web Development Guide. Northell

Course: Programming (Pdf Materials)
Number of topics: 2
Category: Programming

Our society is becoming more and more computerized.

There are around 3.58 billion internet users on the planet. This implies that over half of the world's 7.6 billion people have access to the internet, which they use for everything from entertainment to education, communication to commerce, keeping up with current events, and keeping up with business experts. Indeed, for many of us, the internet is the first (and often only) channel through which we communicate with the world in all of its complexities.

Because there are so many resources available, determining the b... [Continue Reading]


Course: GST 102
Number of topics: 17
Category: Business


Introduction to Python

Course: Python Programming
Number of topics: 11
Category: Programming

According to python official website python.org, Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively.

Python is a popular general-purpose high-level programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum in 1991. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability.

Python consistently ranks as one of the most popular programming languages, and has gained widespread use in machine learning, web development (server-side), desktop software development, data analysis and system scripting.
... [Continue Reading]

HTML Links

Course: Introduction to HTML and Web Technology
Number of topics: 8
Category: Programming

In HTML, links or hyperlink are used to navigate between web pages and access other online resources. To create a basic link, use the (anchor) element with the href attribute: For example

<a href="https://www.tealearn.org">Visit TEA Learn website</a>

Any information such as text or image can be use as a link for navigating between web pages. Links can point to a page on our site or to a another website and other online resources as shown in the code below.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>HTML Links Examples</title>
[Continue Reading]

PHP Variables and Comments

Course: Web development using PHP and MySQL
Number of topics: 27
Category: Programming

PHP Variables
PHP are containers or name for holding information. in PHP a variable name must start with a dollar sign $

Example 1
$name="Ben Onuorah";

Variable Naming Rule
1. Variable name must start with a letter or the underscore but NOT a number.
2. Variable name can only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores (A to z, 0 to 9, and _ )
3. Variable names are case-sensitive in PHP, for example $msg is not the same as $MSG

PHP is loosely typed language, that is, it determin... [Continue Reading]


Course: Physics
Number of topics: 17
Category: Science

This is one of the series of experiments on Electricity. It is aimed at strengthening students preparing for fundamental physics practicals.

I will walk you through the setup and then you are expected to take your readings and attempt the questions at the end of the video.

..wishing you the best.... [Continue Reading]

HTML Table

Course: Introduction to HTML and Web Technology
Number of topics: 8
Category: Programming

An HTML table is a structure used to organize and display data in a grid format on a web page. It consists of rows and columns, where rows run horizontally, and columns run vertically. Tables are created using HTML tags, with the main tags being:

<table> : This tag defines the entire table.
<tr> : Stands for "table row" and is used to define a row within the table.
<td> : Represents a "table data" cell and is used to define individual data cells within a row.
<th> : Represents a "table header" cell and is used to define header cells, typic... [Continue Reading]

Abiodun Olaku (Painter)

Course: African Artists and Drawing
Number of topics: 8
Category: Arts

An indigene of Ogun State, Nigeria, who was born on December 29, 1958, works and lives in Lagos, Nigeria with his family, Abiodun Olaku is a respected member of the Society of Nigeria Artists (SNA); a founding member, inaugural vice-president and trustee of the Guild of Professional Fine Artists of Nigeria (GFA); and one of the founders and trustee of Universal Studios of Art, National Theatre, Lagos. He continues to train, mentor and inspire younger generations of Nigerian Artists, and also consults widely on professional art matters, among other activities. Abiodun Olaku’s talent can be tr... [Continue Reading]

See all courses

Making the Most of Life: A Journey to Purpose
Category: Business
Number of topics: 7
Posted by: David Mba

General African Studies (GST 201)
Category: Business
Number of topics: 1
Posted by: David Mba

GST 102
Category: Business
Number of topics: 17
Posted by: David Mba

Use of English
Category: Arts
Number of topics: 0
Posted by: Samson Dawodu Abiodun

African Artists and Drawing
Category: Arts
Number of topics: 8
Posted by: Benjamin Onuorah

Flask: Python Web Development
Category: Programming
Number of topics: 16
Posted by: Benjamin Onuorah

Chemistry with Dr. Anita
Category: Science
Number of topics: 10
Posted by: Sir John Jollynery

Category: Science
Number of topics: 17
Posted by: Sir John Jollynery

Programming (Pdf Materials)
Category: Programming
Number of topics: 2
Posted by: Benjamin Onuorah

Programming (Video Materials)
Category: Programming
Number of topics: 1
Posted by: Benjamin Onuorah

Web development using PHP and MySQL
Category: Programming
Number of topics: 27
Posted by: Benjamin Onuorah

Python Programming
Category: Programming
Number of topics: 11
Posted by: Benjamin Onuorah

Styling (Beautify) Website
Category: Programming
Number of topics: 2
Posted by: Benjamin Onuorah

Introduction to HTML and Web Technology
Category: Programming
Number of topics: 8
Posted by: Benjamin Onuorah

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