Our solution is a comprehensive and easy to use school management software that has been in existence since 2008, therefore it has stand the test of time with about 50 schools and over 1000 students currently using it to manage school operations and learning at the kindergarten, primary and secondary school level.

NEMS School Management System automate the flow of information between school administrators, the teachers, the students and parents to manage, monitor and provide all-round seamless quality educational management support, digital classroom and testing system.

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1. School Setup: Easy school account setup cost
2. Accessible area Through our domain or your school web address e.g at a cost
3. Database Storage: Dedicated or shared database
4. Multi users access: School owner, teachers, non teaching staff with access privileges, student and parents login via same login form, the software recognize and direct each category of user to their expected location
School owner and staff features
School owner have access to all the features below, can also assign staff to assist in carrying out the task
6. Setup subjects
7. Setup classes
8. Assign subjects to classes
9. Setup fees
10. Keep track of income and expenses
11. Filter students debt
12. Setup or register students
13. Search, view and manage students information
14. See generated student academic report and breakdown
15. Save student fees payment, print receipt
16. Monitor fees balance
17. Know number of students in school and per class
18. Know total expected fees payment per class, total amount paid and balance
19. Save students attendance record and view the report history
20. Save student test and exam score
21. Generate class broadsheet
22. View class grade analysis
23. Verify student academic record and record additional information, such as special report on affective domain, Reports on psychomotor/skills, Physical development & health Teacher's comments and Principal's remark
24. Promote students to the next class and demote students to same class for next academic year
25. Setup teaching staff account
26. Setup non teaching staff account
27. Edit teaching and non teaching staff information
28. Assign access privileges to staff to login and help carry out some task
29. Edit school information
30. Internally message whole class, individual student, parents and staff
31. Internally message whole class, individual student, parents and staff (with SMS integration at a cost)
32. Digital Classroom
33. Lesson note
34. Computer Based Test
35. Staff Appraisal
36. Staff Attendance