Introduction to Flask framework
Subject: Flask: Python Web Development
Flask is a lightweight WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) web application framework for Python. It's designed to make getting started quick and easy, with the ability to scale up to complex applications. Here's a brief overview of some key concepts in Flask:
Routing: Flask uses routes to map URLs to Python functions. You define routes using decorators (@app.route('/')), and Flask calls the associated function when the URL is accessed.
Views: Views are the functions that handle requests and return responses. They can render templates, generate JSON responses, or perform other actions.
Templates: Flask uses the Jinja2 template engine to render HTML templates. Templates can include dynamic content using variables, loops, and conditionals.
Static Files: Flask can serve static files like CSS, JavaScript, and images. You can define a static directory (static/ by default) where Flask will look for these files.
Request and Response: Flask provides request and response objects (request and Response) to access incoming request data and generate responses.
Extensions: Flask has a rich ecosystem of extensions that add additional functionality, such as form validation, authentication, and database integration.
Benjamin Onuorah
Joshua Fasinu (learner)
Date commented: 20-Jul-2024 05:20:38pm
Nice topic
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